Jazzie Conversations With Jazz
The "Jazzie Conversations With Jazz" TV Podcast Show, with host Jasmar "Jazz" Bennett, mother, educator & host, are a collection of candid conversations celebrating the power of the "Comeback"!!! Viewers and listeners can anticipate an enthusiastic, entertaining, and informative vibe. Connect with a myriad of guests from various professions and walks of life, who share a common thread: "A Comeback Story".
Jazzie Conversations With Jazz
Episode 28: My Life💙
Episode 28
Death is an inevitable part of Life. At some point in this journey called life, we will lose someone near and dear to us. How we chose to live life afterwards, is a true testament of our strength and faith. Daryna Parker-Barker exudes STRENGTH☆ She's suffered losses, yet she's gained a sense of her purpose. Listen to this episode to discover how this mother, author, and survivor made an epic comeback.