Jazzie Conversations With Jazz

Episode 23: Man Evolved

McN Episode 23
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00:00 | 59:42
In Episode 23, I had the pleasure to sit down to converse with three distinguished men who have Bossed Up in their respective fields. Taj Mahal is an independent contractor, investor, and deemed as "The Brunch Gawd". DJ Venom BIH, is an international DJ. You can catch him every Sunday at 7th & Grove in Ybor City and every 1st Friday at The Tiger Club. Kerry "KBoy" Jones, is the owner of Kerry Jones Bailbonds and a real estate agent with Lions Realty.In this Episode, we explored the meaning of "Man", their thoughts on the different moves a man makes when he comes into the realization that he IS a man, and the role a woman plays in a man's evolution.